Survival of the human race…
• IN reply to Mary O’Sullivan (Is an eco-warrior role what we really need? January 3), when I said “climate change doesn’t leave me much time to go into all the detail of local issues” I should perhaps have been clearer.
I meant that I don’t have time to follow all the detail of every single issue across the whole of Camden. But when it comes to my constituents in Belsize I think it’s fair to say that I do everything in my power to make sure that their concerns are addressed, which is what I was elected to do.
I should also point out that councils and local councillors have no direct control over access to GPs or policing. As for clean streets, the last time the council measured this in a satisfaction survey of residents it received a 73 per cent approval rating.
Of course, we can do better but on this particular measure we compare extremely favourably with councils right across Britain. Finally, in June 2006 the leader of the council appointed me as Camden Eco Champion with a remit to suggest ways to make the borough more environmentally friendly. I take this role very seriously as I do not believe there is any issue more critical today. We can and must fight the battle against climate change at a local, regional, national and global level. Nothing less than the survival of the human race is at stake.
That’s why I make absolutely no apologies for the fact that I spend most of my time devising ways to cut the carbon out of Camden.
Cllr Alexis Rowell
Camden Eco Champion