Consider the whole route 393 picture
• THE 393 buses with their attendant heavy lorries cause all the houses down the west end of Leighton Road to vibrate because the road is manifestly unsuitable for such heavy traffic.
The council was against this route because of the road’s narrowness and the traffic calming humps which cause the adjacent houses to shake – but neither they nor Transport for London will take responsibility for their action.
With 59. per cent of the Greater London Authority’s £10.7 billion budget (funded partly by our council taxes) devoted to transport, Tfl can do what it pleases without responsibility for cost-benefit or for the damage its choice causes.
I wonder if the lucky people who can sit comfortably on the bus, as it weaves its way round the road’s islands and over the humps, give a thought to those of us suffering the effects of their comfort.
Might they not choose to increase the 30.9 per cent the police get so they can protect all of us better or the 4.1 per cent for fire and emergency planning?
The sooner both residents and transport users can be accommodated, the better, so please, London mayor Ken Livingstone, consider the whole picture.
Jenny Wright
Leighton Road, NW5