We do care about your feet
• IN the New Journal you printed a letter (A backward step for foot care, January 10) about podiatry services at the Belsize Priory Health Centre.
The service mentioned is a Camden Primary Care Trust service.
We are sorry that your correspondent had difficulty accessing our podiatry service.
It is our aim to provide easy and convenient access to high quality care in all of our service areas.
To help us provide a flexible range of podiatry appointments we have a central booking system and all new patients are given a choice of clinic locations and appointment dates.
Our current waiting time for new patients for podiatry services is approximately six weeks and we are working hard to further reduce this.
Where patients require ongoing treatment the interval between the first and follow-up appointment is based on individual clinical need.
Patients who wish to make inquiries about our podiatry service can contact us on 020 7527 1158 or 020 7685 5967.
Dr Steven Luttrell
Chief Operating Officer, Camden PCT Provider Services