Go on, make my day... please deface this street sign
• JEREMY Walker (Too many traffic lights and street clutter already, January 24) is quite right: there is far too much street furniture and signage.
While some of it is essential, much of it is not.
The attractively-designed, useful, new signage erected on the canal towpath has mostly ruined by mindless graffiti and stickers; so it becomes an eyesore and, with hindsight, a waste of public money.
Vandalised old signage should be removed, cleaned and stored, and no more signage should be erected in our streets until such time as parents show that they can control their children.
Intelligent people will always find a way. Decent people will always help tourists and others.
Let’s stop spending money on signage and street furniture until such time as our society shows it is more deserving. The money should be spent, meanwhile, on better education.
Perhaps the council should go for a “set a thief, catch a thief” policy and erect a new multi-directional street sign in the centre of Camden Town, in a well-lit place, with monitoring by security cameras. The sign should look proper but be made of the cheapest metal, to keep costs down.
I’d like to see one of the signs read: “It is an offence to graffiti or damage street signs,” but I guess the vandals have no sense of irony.
Photographs of those who damage the sign, for they surely will, should be displayed online and elsewhere.
It is time to get tough.
Lester May
Reachview Close, NW1