Right to look at caretaking service
• LABOUR councillors and Unison have recently attacked Camden Council for its review of council housing caretaking and cleaning services.
Caretaking and cleaning is an area of high expenditure – £9.6 million in 2006/07.
Meanwhile, Camden’s housing finances are under massive pressure following an £8 million cut in our government grant this year. Many caretakers get to know their estates and residents well and they do valuable work. But I also hear regular complaints from tenants and leaseholders about the variable quality of the service. In this context, a review of caretaking services is a sensible measure.
Contrary to Labour’s misinformation, the option of full-scale privatisation has already been ruled out. But I think the council is right to explore the scope for better management of the service, including partial outsourcing of cleaning services.
Lessons may be learned from other London boroughs. So I was particularly surprised when Anna Stewart, the Labour group leader, criticised the council for pointing out the possible benefits to leaseholders of a more efficient and less costly service. Many leaseholders are rightly concerned about increases in their annual service charges in recent years. The council has a responsibility to scrutinise our spending to check we are getting best value for money.
Cllr James King
Lib Dem, Kilburn Ward