Machen fans
• READERS may be interested to learn that a thriving literary society exists to honour Machen and his works (Review January 31).
The Friends of Arthur Machen (www.machen soc.demon.co.uk) celebrates the writer’s life and works in a number of publications, such as the journal Faunus, which reprints his essays and journalism. Machen’s admirers have included the film director Michael Powell, Jorge Luis Borges, Hitchcock’s regular composer Bernard Herrmann, Mick Jagger and novelists Peter Ackroyd, Paul Bowles, Iain Sinclair and Alan Moore.
Guillermo del Toro’s acclaimed fantasy film Pan’s Labyrinth was influenced by Machen’s tale The White People.
A film based on the Angels of Mons legend is currently in development from a British company, and an American screenwriter has written a script based on The Three Impostors.
Many of Machen’s books have been reissued over recent years by Tartarus Press.
Roger Dobson