How to make your views known on healthcare in the capital
• While I welcome Dr Daniel Toeg’s letter (Support your local GPs now, or risk losing them, February 21), encouraging people to respond to the Healthcare for London consultation I would be grateful if people could use the correct telephone number Freephone 0808 238 5430 or go to www. healthcareforlondon.nhs.uk to make their views known.
The proposals aim to improve healthcare in the capital whether you need a GP, specialist services that only a hospital can provide, urgent care, mental health or children’s care, maternity care or whether you just need to stay healthier. We want to improve the quality and safety of services, the accessibility of services and reduce the inequalities in the NHS that mean some parts of the community and some areas of the capital don’t receive the healthcare they deserve.
Don Neame
Director of Communications
Healthcare for London
Oppose sell-offs
• THANK you Dr Daniel Toeg (Letters, February 21) from the Cavendish Group Practice for reminding us that time is running out to oppose the sell-off of GP surgeries.
Some readers may not be aware of a public consultation.
So take action now before the NHS is totally destroyed and we are left with two-tier medical care. Let’s hope the decision was not already taken before the consultation began.
Name and address supplied, NW1