New head, new rules?
• WITH regard to the police woman coming to Hampstead school, first I would like to ask why home office minister and MP Meg Hillier was brought in to support the school’s decision to employ another police officer?
She doesn’t represent Camden or Brent, she’s a long way from her area of Hackney and she’s never spoken to or heard from any of the parents against the plan.
The New Journal of February 8 mentioned one parent who supports the police at our school. His opinion does not prove that most parents want the police in school.
The school have still not said anything about how they intend to tackle the problems we are really worried about, namely the violence on the way to school and black students in particular being stopped and searched by police.
This is again the pushing of a government initiative by New Labour locally. It’s amazing how schools seem to forget that without parents and children schools would be empty buildings.
One of the reasons we sent our children to Hampstead was because there was no uniform which has been great for many years, but lo and behold, new head, new rules, and we had uniform thrust upon us at a great cost. Now we have police on site whether we want it or not. We just love how parent power is alive and well.
K Cummins & R Cummins
Address supplied