Seemingly under siege
• OF late, Camden seems to be under siege: The Primary Care Trust has just orchestrated a highly dubious so-called consultation which seems to seek endorsement for consolidation of GP practices and our PCT has recently appointed a huge American medicare company to run three local practices, in preference to local practitioners.
The police are seemingly bent on consolidating into one single warehouse base for all Camden functions – despite the borough’s huge footprint and diversity, totally against residents’ desire to retain their police stations in Kentish Town and Hampstead et al.
That initiative, too, had a consultation with an extremely loaded set of questions that papered over the police’s agenda to cash in on its property. And it muddied the water by implying that the Safer Neighbourhoods police teams can do more, despite their being thin on the ground.
And central government is the biggest villain with newly announced closures of three valued Camden post offices, with more to be announced after the May elections. The very recent shafting of inner London boroughs with retrospective cuts to our three-year financial settlement. The apparent riding roughshod over Camden’s planning brief for the use of Brill Place. And, over our head, a third runway at Heathrow is apparently to be imposed.
Speak out for your neighbourhood, your Camden and your London on police, health, housing and carbon matters.
Paul Braithwaite
Lib Democrat, Cantelowes Ward