Special memory of my dance with James Maxton
• REGARDING the article about Hetty Bower’s protest against the Iraq War, (Hetty’s trip to No 10 says a lot about the power of principles. February 28) I want to say well done Hetty for still being so active at her age.
I do hope Gordon Brown read her letter and realised someone from the Independent Labour Party is still doing something worthwhile, although she is not the only surviving member.
I joined in 1938 when I was 18.
Sadly there is no one else alive from the group of friends along with me.
I remember with great pleasure the summer schools we had, at least twice at Bangor University and one at Durham.
We had lectures in the mornings, free afternoons and social evenings.
A special memory of one of the evenings was when James Maxton walked right across the dance floor when the music struck up and singled me out to dance with him.
I was delighted, but knew it would never happen again, as I was a pretty poor dancer!
Many thanks for reviving these memories for me.
Anne Florent
Churchill Gardens, SW1