Information of takeover
• I AM a long-time president of the Camden Road surgery and was appalled to get a letter in January informing me that the surgery was to be taken over by United Health from April 1.
I made my views known to the primary care trust as the letter implied the contract had already gone through.
It was only by chance that I read Dr Daniel Toeg’s letter that I heard of the scrutiny meeting at the Town Hall (Support your local GPs now, or risk losing them, February 21).
For two mornings I sat in the surgery and asked everyone that came whether they were aware of the fact that UH were about to take over the surgery.
Out of the 73 people I talked to most were totally aghast at the idea, and knew nothing about it; some had had the same letter as myself in January telling us it was going to happen.
All the patients I spoke to signed my petition asking the PCT to award the contract to the doctors working at the surgery now.
Since I could only see a fraction of the people on the list at 142 Camden Road, I would very much like to hear from any patient whether or not they feel they have been consulted, or knew before January this year.
Please could you let me know via the New Journal.
Camden Mews, NW1