Action on housing now
• FOR too long politicians have hidden behind ambiguous language of “affordable” and “social” housing.
Candidates for London mayor and the assembly need to make their position clear on support for investment in first-class council housing to provide an alternative to the madness and failings of the private market.
Housing associations charge higher rents, offer “assured” not “secure” tenancies and are unaccountable to their tenants. Many don’t want or can’t afford home ownership and would prefer to rent a first-class council home.
London’s politicians should also commit to supporting our campaign to get government to provide the “Fourth Option” for council housing. On Monday night MPs spent most of the debate on the government’s Housing and Regeneration Bill discussing our amendments requiring ministers to fund council housing and introduce a code of practice to ensure ballots of tenants are fair and democratic.
Housing minister Iain Wright conceded a new code of practice on ballots and asked supporters of the “Fourth Option” to be patient and wait for the outcome of the government’s review of housing revenue accounts which promises a “sustainable” future for council housing. He also accepted Camden was a special case in terms of funding. But after years of campaigning we now need more than more “warm words”. Candidates for London mayor and assembly should prove themselves by getting behind our campaign to ensure these principles are incorporated into the final bill.
Chair, Camden Defend
Council Housing