Libraries do a good job!
• THE library service in Camden gives Londoners a fine place to relax and also seek work through the many research rooms and newspaper sections that provide an opportunity to read lots of job advertisements.
A redesign has made libraries far more welcoming. The basement of Holborn library in Theobalds Road has a learning centre where 18 people can log on for several free hours of computer use – either to study computer basics or complete job applications, with breaks in the refreshment café corner. Anyone can register and use it. This is a complete contrast to the jobcentre offices that are open for limited hours. You can concentrate in the peaceful, well-lit room and get on with the task in hand, all during the working day.
Being without work or facing redundancy can be demoralising but this library gives anyone in that position great support.
Faith Kenrick
Address supplied
Free access
• V Thurgood’s idea to charge for the internet is a bad one (Free internet access is being taken for granted in libraries, April 3).
It would exclude those who cannot afford to pay and, quite frankly, more people use the computers than take out books.
It is not possible in any case to use them for more than an hour. The machines cut out.
If the issue is about people having to wait, the same payment system would have to apply to reading the newspapers. Don’t punish the majority for the sake of a few.
Name and address supplied, NW5