A reputation for money-grabbing
• WHAT happened to more humane treatment for motorists wishing to park in Camden?
I offered coffee to a world-renowned cinematographer before we set off on an assignment. I gave him a half-hour resident’s voucher to place in his car window. I happened to look out of the window during the half hour and saw a warden placing a ticket on his windscreen.
When I went out to ask why, I was told that “the month has not been scratched out”. In every other respect the voucher had been marked. I wrote offering to back up his representation against the penalty. He answered: “Have been between SA and NY. Settled comfortably into my NY digs tonight. “Thanks for the offer, but seeing as I was about to depart on a two-month journey across the planet I decided to capitulate and pay the ruthless, money-grabbing b*****ds. God, I would love to live on my own farm with my own power generation, my own bore-hole and vegetable garden, my own chickens, my own pigs and not a single bureaucrat in sight...”
Juliet Wrightson
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