• THERE can be very few more dedicated, imaginative and inspiring people working in inner-city youth and community work than Eleanor Botwright (Crime rise fears as youth club loses half its funding, March 27).
We preach dismay at the way our children are becoming so demoralised and marginalised that they are reduced to killing each other. We pontificate endlessly about the need for greater resources, and one of the most needy and proven successful areas is decimated in this way.
A boring rhetoric poured forth the night of the Camden Market fire regarding the lost “celebrities’ haunt”. Perhaps, if the ordinary youth of Camden were seen to be as important as celebrity youth, the cutting of youth provision would not be happening. It might be nice if some of the parents of the celebrity offspring who frequent our pubs donated half their allowances to youth charities in the area.
We wring our hands because of working-class youth and worship at the altar of misdemeanours of the wealthy. This is why our children are killing themselves and each other.
Christine Brody
Steeles Road, NW3