Cut the council tax to reflect shift in property market
• SINCE council tax is based on the fictitious price of one’s home, this has entitled the bankers, estate agents, solicitors and property developers and, of course, some newspapers and owners of property to profit for many years.
All of which was created by Thatcherism...
Now that the price of housing is receding, and very good too, can we expect Camden Council to start reducing the council tax in relation to the now lower prices of properties?
A majority of pensioners and also people on reduced incomes have not asked for the rise in the price of property which has been brought on by pure greed by the “get-rich-quick” society.
There are more things in life than bricks and mortar to make a profit by.
If the government had put a direct tax on all these profiteers, this would have helped to stop the rise in the so-called “housing market”.
C&T Taylor
Camden pensioners, NWl