Street improvements need more thought
KENTISH Town residents have been witnesses recently to the rush local authorities seem to undertake when trying to complete works before the end of the financial year.
Two such projects cause particular concern.
First, the installation of a two metre stretch of cycle lane on the corner of Bartholomew Road that’s caused disruption and inconvenience for weeks to pedestrians.
Residents have already been subjected to months of noise, dirt and disruption caused by the building of the new health centre, none of which has been compensated for in reduced council tax. The construction of this tiny piece of cycle lane has taken weeks and this will do nothing to deter the cars that have always turned into this section of Bartholomew Road despite the no entry signs that have been displayed.
Secondly, the installation of a bench just a metre from this cycle lane. Exactly who is this going to benefit?
As one resident whose home faces onto this busy road, I have been subjected to regular sleepless nights caused by extremely loud late night revellers, arguing couples and many other, often drunken and aggressive people utilising this corner as their personal soapbox.
Why would anyone want to sit on a busy street corner where the pavement has been demolished more times than I’ve had birthdays, waiting for a truck to actually crush them as it mounts the pavement in its efforts to negotiate this very tight corner, or for a cyclist to flash by them at a distance close enough to smell them? It certainly won’t be a restful spot in which to watch the world go by!
Surely there is a better use for our money than these incredibly ill advised, badly planned, and poorly implemented street improvements!
Name and Address supplied, NW5