Now young people can look forward to that £4.5m
• IN your report (Youth club cash cuts ‘wrong way top show respect’, warns minister, April 24), Richard Osley reported on cash cuts to youth services in the borough and a visit by the education secretary who, naturally, criticised the cuts.
You showed a picture of Ed Balls and other Labour grandees holding a cheque for £4.5 million. I see the cheque was from the Labour Party to the Young People of Camden.
I can’t imagine that a cabinet minister and my MP would be complicit in a publicity stunt of duplicity, aimed perhaps at influencing voters in the elections on May Day.
So, I happily presume that indeed a large and generous sum of money is about to be donated to the youth of the borough by the Labour Party. That is excellent news.
The donation will mean that the Jubilee Centre can be properly funded and reopened, for example, and other youth projects will be able to flourish.
Indeed, this donation will be a great way of avoiding the cash cuts to youth in your report.
I look forward to confirmation of the £4.5 million donation so that I, for one, might write and thank the Labour Party for its generous consideration.
I am sure that those who give their money to the Labour Party will be pleased that it’s going to such a good cause.
Lester May
Reachview Close, NW1