Problems with house restoration
• WE read Dan Carrier’s report in Property Week (Man sinking a fortune into building pool, April 17).
We wish to put on record that residents in East Heath Road would be delighted if Paul Cowan and his workforce would complete the restoration of Klippan House.
It has taken an extraordinarily long time.
We much regret the wholesale removal of mature trees, the lawn and rose garden.
Permission for the swimming pool and gymnasium was refused by Camden Council. This is a conservation area.
The results of pouring tons of concrete below the garden would be unpredictable.
Neighbours on both sides of East Heath Road have suffered serious subsidence. Cracks in local roads have opened up from time to time. Excavations for the swimming pool would be carried out closer to neighbours on East Heath Road than to Klippan House, putting buildings further at risk when serious cracks already exist.
Sinking steel and concrete piles affects the water table. The roots of the last remaining mature tree (a 150-year-old cedar) would also be vulnerable to these drastic plans.
There are three public swimming pools and two gyms within walking distance of Klippan House. We trust that Mr Cowan’s appeal against Camden’s decision will be dismissed.
John & Sara Mark
The Pryors, East Heath Road