Rules of the road and the camera ‘honey trap’
• READING Jeremy Codd’s letter (Rules of the road absurdity, April 24), I had some sympathy.
I am one of the many other victims of this ridiculous piece of road legislation.
It is quite clear to anyone using this Grafton Street route that the camera is there to trap unsuspecting road users.
However, despite Mr Codd’s legitimate concerns and protests, he should be informed that he is unlikely to see his fine overturned.
My appeal to the council, and subsequent appeal to Parking and Transportation Services was rejected.
I argued that the original traffic enforcement (a barrier) served the stated intention of limiting traffic at certain hours.
However, the only down-side to this was obviously that it wasn’t making Camden Council any money whatsoever. The current enforcement has resolved the council’s problem very nicely, and I’m sure that they are doing very well out of this “honey trap”.
Perhaps someone from the council can openly justify this cynical and unjust piece of “traffic enforcement” in the borough’s main newspaper?
N Miller
Bartholomew Villas, NW5