Give pensioners a European rate
• I WAS at a meeting with Camden Pensioners’ Action Group where I learnt we are living below the poverty line.
Whoever is responsible, I would like an explanation regarding why we are living in unnecessary poverty.
The official poverty level is £134 weekly.
The minimum a pensioner may get is £90.70 per week. The national insurance fund has a surplus of £38.5 billion.
Please give us what we have earned and deserve and treat us with respect.
I worked 40 years full time, paying tax. I still get taxed large amounts – and pay full council tax – the same as someone in full-time employment. This is most unjustified and cannot be right and fair.
Pensioners are paid much less than pensioners in France, Germany and Greece. Are we European, part of the European market? If so, we should be treated equally?
Also I would like to say that small businesses such as Fresh and Wild and Planet Organic give pensioners 5 per cent discount on foods – every little helps. I call on those big profit supermarkets such as Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Marks and Spencer. Please give us discounts on foods – follow the good example of much smaller shops.
Finally, please lift our spirits. Give us the pension we deserve, something that is rightfully ours. Please make life a little easier in our retirement years. We merely need more money to live comfortably.
We want tax-free pensions and to be exempt from council tax, water bills and the TV licence fee, please.
To those people in the government, who unfortunately have power over us, I say please try to put yourself in our situation.
Better still, see if you can live on such a meagre pension.
Address supplied, NW1