Say no to a laboratory
• I absolutely agree with Councillor Roger Robinson's request for a meeting with the Medical Research Centre in Somers Town (Build homes, not a laboratory, May 8).
There are a lot of unanswered questions and anger about their land-grab of Brill Place and if they want to foster good relations with local people it is only common courtesy to answer us.
First, how can it be justifiable to steal land in Somers Town, which has one of the lowest life expectancy rates in the UK, for the purpose of “improving” world health in the future?
It would improve our health immediately were you not to add to congestion and overcrowding that we suffer because of lack of open spaces, adequate community facilities and decent council housing.
Second, are you aware that you are in breach of Camden’s planning policy?
You should accept this fact and look elsewhere rather than overriding strategy already in place for use of this site. That is, follow government policy to develop housing on brownfield sites, which Brill Place is.
Third, hasn’t science got too big for its boots when real human and immediate need is sacrificed for “research”, funded largely by multi-national pharmaceutical conglomerates, which are profit-led not health-led? It’s a scandal that outside investment should be allowed to take precedence over Londoners’ rights to a better life.
This government cares more about helping private, global businesses than British people. A research centre is unwelcome.
S Womack
Bridgeway Street, NW1