Forgetting the Town
• I UNDERSTAND Sainsbury’s staff use only first names on their name badges and chief executive Justin King signs memos to staff as just Justin.
Sainsbury’s have now taken this questionable policy further, insofar as they have decided to rename Camden Town as just Camden.
Given that the first Sainsbury’s shop was almost within shouting distance, you’d think Justin might be aware of the local geography, let alone the local history.
Not any more – he refuses to change the name of his Camden store in Camden Road to the Camden Town store that it is properly.
Sainsbury’s have, of course, a number of other branches in the borough; perhaps they are all called Camden? No wonder, then, that they have occasional in-store shortages, as I presume their lorries deliver to any old store in Camden, given 33 Holborn’s disinterest in geography!
If Justin ever re-opens a Sainsbury’s store in Kentish Town, the good people of NW5 had better get used to living in just Kentish!
Of course, some other retailers, businesses and developers also don’t know their local geography and local history, and describe their branches or buildings here as just Camden. Some, to their credit, have done the right thing and changed their branch name to Camden Town, as did Barclays Bank a few years ago.
Why is it that some businesses pander so readily to popular laziness and disrespect Camden Town?
Perhaps the good folk of Camden Town should just give in.
Suggs could just sing about Camden rather than Camden Town.
The Tube station, and bus destination blinds, could be renamed Camden and we give up on the Town – we just throw away 217 years of history.
But, before we do, Camden Town Unlimited might consider running a little campaign to put the Town back in Camden Town? And perhaps the Town Hall should insist on proper geographical nomenclature when giving planning permission to new businesses and developments?
I will write again about this to Justin dot King at Sainsburys dot co dot uk
(oops, sorry, that’s Lester May) NW1