St Pancras, a survivor of Great Railway Age
• SOME time ago I wrote the enclosed poem – entitled St Pancras International – after a visit to the stunning restored station and the Barlow roof. Magnificent.
I am a member of the John Betjeman Society and my poem has just been published in the 2008 edition of The Betjemanian.
St Pancras stands in roseate stone
Survivor of Great Railway Age
When steam connected Midland towns
To Heart of London’s heaving world.
But now her trainshed – blue – restored
Bears modern witness – gliding speed
(Through apple groves of Garden Kent
Paris beckons – Gare du Nord).
No longer Golden Arrow routes
No longer comfy Wagons-Lits
No longer ferries overnight
And dawn at Calais Maritime.
Thus Eurostar on faster wings
Brings Continent two hours away
Transporting many – sous La Manche
Via stunning gateway spanning time.
Steve Glason
Victoria Road,