Lessons in political hypocrisy from the neighbours
• THE New Journal is right to deplore the current administration’s constant cuts in the funding for youth services and Celia Greenwood makes many good points (Youth funding cuts ‘could spark summer crime wave’, June 12).
It is interesting that another group with offices at Interchange Studios has suffered no cuts; in fact its grant has been increased.
This is because Camden Mental Health Consortium has regularly supported the cuts in the mental-health services proposed by Camden Primary Care Trust and the Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust although its reasons have never been given.
For this loyalty it has been rewarded by continued funding and agreement to extend its remit into substance misuse services while its members are seeing nothing but reductions and closures to the services that they need so badly.
Perhaps Celia Greenwood should ask her neighbours at Hampstead Town Hall for lessons in political hypocrisy.
address supplied, NW5