We’re determined to continue fight for community services
• MANY West Hampstead residents have been in contact with us because of their concerns about the future of our local community centre in Mill Lane.
The centre has been run for many years by West Hampstead Community Association, which has served our community well since 1974. However, in recent months the association has had increasing financial difficulties despite regular funding from Camden Council.
Councillors have been working with Camden officers to help find a solution and were very pleased when the council agreed an imaginative reorganisation of the centre’s premises in March, including a new charity shop at the Mill Lane site. Sadly, the financial problems have in the end proved impossible to resolve, and the board of trustees found itself with no legal alternative but to declare the association insolvent at the end of May and close the centre’s doors for the time being.
Camden’s officers are working urgently to find alternatives for important services such as the after-school club and Surestart.
Keith Moffitt and I are joining forces with the president of the West Hampstead Community Association, Geoff Berridge, to organise a public meeting to provide more information, answer your questions, and discuss the best way forward. The meeting will take place at 8pm on Monday June 30 in the Community Hall on Broomsleigh Street. Anyone with any particular concerns is welcome to email Keith Moffitt (kmoffitt@cix. co.uk) or ring me, Flick Rea, on 020 7794 8454 or Geoff Berridge on 020 7794 9723.
We are determined that West Hampstead should not lose its community services.
Vice-President West Hamp– stead Community Association