A bridge too much?
• MORE than 70 people turned out to a public meeting next door to King’s Cross station where residents and workers in both Camden and Islington heard that Network Rail will not fund a much-needed pedestrian and cyclist link across the tracks to the rear of the station.
The bridge would replace the soon to close York Way/Wharfdale Road entrance that not only makes the station permeable, but also links the King’s Cross communities in both boroughs.
Network Rail stated the limits of their interest in building a bridge across the rear of the tracks. Although they would support such a bridge, they would not at the moment be prepared to pay for it as it does not fit with their business plans. A bridge would cost about
£4million, or 1 per cent of the overall budget for the station redevelopment.
Without a bridge, King’s Cross turns its back on our community.
The audience was urged to get all friends, family and colleagues to sign the petition at petitions.pm.gov.uk/ kxaccess/
To make a comment email kxa@cookie.org.uk Deadline for submissions is July 27.
Wharfdale Road, N1