Give us a Town Green
• CATHY Crawford writes about the Talacre of the 1970s with great eloquence (Stop dilly-dallying and give us protection for park, July 10).
My five brothers, three sisters and I practically lived at Talacre during our youth.
Well, I guess that makes me one of the original Talacre kids. It may have seemed a bomb-site to onlookers but for us and all our neighbours, Talacre was a place of great joy and fun and treasures. Some of my happiest memories are about all the adventures we had playing at Talacre. It certainly wasn’t called Talacre Gardens then.
Wonderful things have happened to Talacre since those lean years. We have a park to be very proud of. It has even won a fancy Green Flag award this year. We have come a long way.
Yet, we continue to read with great concern about the developer who seems still intent on taking parts of Talacre Gardens. We even had to contend with him trying to build a road in the middle of our park. Would you believe such a terrible thing?
Our council claim to be well intentioned towards the Talacre residents. Their hearts are in the right place. So I simply cannot understand why they are so reluctant to give us the Town Green status we need urgently to protect this special local amenity.
Talks about conducting surveys and consultations get everyone agitated. This is not exactly the kind of community that understands complicated forms about forming a trust and the like.
We are likely not to respond to things we don’t understand. What we understand and want is to feel protected now and for the future. The Town Green seems the easiest and fastest way for us to get there.
Bassett Street, NW5