Cyclists can take a stand – and avoid the station clampers
• SIMON Wroe’s article and Miriam Harriot’s letter describe Network Rail as clamping cycles attached to railings outside St Pancras International Station (Cyclists face clamping for parking their bikes by railings, August 14).
Camden Cycling Campaign would like to hear from other cyclists experiencing similar problems (info@camdencyclists.org.uk).
I believe cyclists are unaware that stands to park 100 cycles were put up last November inside the NCP car park. Cyclists can access the stands by walking past the barrier at the car park entrance in St Pancras Road or via the coach entrance a little further south.
Camden Cycling Campaign has been urging NCP to put up signs directing cyclists to those stands since they were installed in November last year. It claims to be waiting for Network Rail to get English Heritage approval for the signs.
After seeing the New Journal last week, I sent an email to Alison Smith, the Network Rail station manager at St Pancras International, asking her to ensure adequate signs to the cycle parking from the station and from surrounding roads are put up urgently and in the meantime to prevent further clamping taking place.
Joint coordinator, Camden Cycling Campaign
• THE achievements of Team GB’s cyclists in Beijing have been simply fantastic. In four years’ time many of the same cycling heroes will be “going again” to defend their gold medal status right here on the streets of Camden. The road races are around Camden and we’ll have ringside seats.
Now is the time we should be beefing up our our borough and our city’s commitment to cycling by improving Camden’s modest cycling infrastructure. Departing councillor Mike Greene felt “we’re doing enough for cycling”. Hopefully, incoming environment executive councillor Chris Knight will arrive with a fresh mind.
I look forward to welcoming Chris’s participation in a cycling celebratory event on Sunday, September 21. On that day Camden’s Cycling Campaign will escort newcomers to cycling and families when we’ll cycle from Hampstead Theatre into central London to enjoy the second “Freewheel” day, where several miles around the Thames and Westminster will be closed to motor vehicles and an estimated 50,000 cyclists will participate. Now that’s what I call a critical mass!