Parting shots, but there’s too much misfiring
• I SEE that Neil Litherland, director of housing, says it is going to be difficult to top working for “the best council in the country” (Housing man moves on, August 14).
Is this the Camden Council where a worker was killed by faulty wiring on a council housing estate, a child was killed by a falling wall in high winds, which was found to have not been built to standard, and where the stealing of people’s property from “empty” homes and valuable items are sold on?
I could go on. However, the factual examples I have offered are more than enough.
If Camden has the best council, how bad are the worst?
Heather Schroeder leaves the council with a parting shot at parents and school officials for exercising their democratic right to oppose the ill-thought-out merger between Frank Barnes and Edith Neville schools. It is unfortunate that she did not have the courage to do so when she was still in office.
We recently had Mr Rudy Bright, head of Camden’s parking department, suddenly leave his position. There have been many high-profile names that suddenly leave Camden’s employment, I wonder why this is?
There are many hard-working employees working for the council who give a good service to its customers and this letter is not aimed at them. However, the likes of the council’s legal department and complaints departments need an urgent overhaul and this is not going to happen under Moira Gibb, our current chief executive.
Broxwood Way, NW8