‘Patchy’ housing record will be punished at the polls
• YOUR article ‘Housing man moves on’ has Mr Neil Litherland, “best known for his work on housing”, saying that it will be difficult to top being in “the best council in the country”.
Phew! This is the council which tried and failed to bribe tenants with free kitchens and bathrooms to join an ersatz housing association, an Almo, and now has a programme in place to sell precious homes to pay to patch up others.
The chief executive, Ms Moira Gibb, says “he will be missed”. He will, but only if she is capable of finding a replacement who can get a result. Otherwise, he will not be missed, we will have more of the same.
Ms Gibb needs to get this new appointment right. She will be judged by it. The people of Camden deserve better and, in about 90 weeks, will get a chance to punish the present political administration.
Maybe that’s the point.
Independent Federation of Genesis Residents www.ifgr.org.uk