Curb the fight dogs
• REGARDING the letter (Let’s have an outright ban on dogs in public parks, September 4), I think that the time has come for people who have dogs loose anywhere should have them muzzled.
This is especially the case when they have what the writer calls “fighting dogs”.
Many young men buy and breed “fighting dogs” for money.
Surely the time has come for people who breed animals to have to conform to a licensing agreement. There was a time when one had to purchase a licence to keep a dog.
I do not suggest this, as it would cost to implement but it certainly should be against the law to let untrained youths breed “fighting dogs” without a licence. Then the police or some form of law enforcement could check up on how many of these dogs were being bred and ending up in shelters. The writer mentions someone keeping five alsatians in a council flat. I thought a maximum of two dogs were allowed.
I have a small dog myself and have to pick it up when I see these fighting dogs coming along as just a few months ago a small girl had her pet small dog shaken to death in front of her. What a dreadful experience. I have encountered young children out with the fighting dogs totally unable to hold them. We have a dog warden in Camden so why is this allowed to continue.
A ban on such dogs in public parks is not the answer. Stopping dogs being bred as status symbols for young boys is part of the answer and should be easy to implement.
PAM BAILEY, via email