Focus ‘spin’ on secondary school height of cyncicism
• I READ with surprise the King’s Cross edition of the Liberal Democrat newspaper Focus, distributed at the recent Marchmont Street Festival.
A “local education campaigner”, who should know better, is quoted as saying “I’m pleased that the Liberal Democrat-led council is not only leading plans to open a new secondary school in the north of the borough, but is also working with groups campaigning for a new secondary school south of the Euston Road”.
This is rich.
The truth is the Liberal Democrat/ Conservative council has actually turned its back on a secondary school south of the Euston Road, by planning to greatly overfill South Camden Community School, and by telling us that the Wren Street site is not suitable.
It is the height of cynicism to write what people want to hear in a local newsletter, when the truth is diametrically opposite.
Many hundreds of people have signed a petition over the summer, calling for the council to reconsider the Wren Street site.
The Labour councillors south of the Euston Road have asked for a full briefing on the current situation.
You might think we would have been briefed on this, but no.
We only knew there was such an option through hearing about it from the Campaign for a Secondary School South of the Euston Road, who have been tireless in their campaigning.
The facts remain that the children, schools and families secretary Ed Balls has pledged to fund a school south of the Euston Road, if a site can be found.
This promise was obtained by our Labour MP, Frank Dobson.
Camden Council owns the Wren Street site, so there would be no purchase costs involved.
Doesn’t that look like an answer to the south of the Euston Road problem? Why wasn’t that mentioned in the Focus newsletter?
Labour, Bloomsbury ward