Tenant representatives have voted against homes sale programme
• I READ Councillor Chris Naylor’s warm words (Letters, October 2) with great interest indeed, especially as he chooses those words extremely carefully to give the impression that council tenants in Camden have approved this administration’s council homes sales programme in order to raise the cash needed to bring council homes to an acceptable living standard.
In his letter Cllr Naylor implies that most tenants who responded to this sales policy agreed with it.
First I invite Cllr Naylor to produce the actual figures backing this massive implied support. How many tenants have been asked if they supported selling council homes to raise the cash?
How many of those responded?
How many were against, in favour, and unsure?
Indeed was there ever a straightforward question asked?
Undoubtedly there will be some tenants in favour of the council’s programme.
There are some indisputable facts though.
All five district management committees in Camden, in which elected and accountable tenant representatives come together to discuss these type of issues, have overwhelmingly voted against this policy on a number of occasions.
Camden Fed has also held meetings where its members, who are elected, accountable, representatives have voted against this policy.
It is blatant that when some of our political masters become desperate they somehow start grasping at straws.
Unequivocal, democratic, tenants’ decisions should not be ignored.
Chair, Camden Federation of Tenants and Resident Associations
Camden Street, NW1