Why was this estate singled out for PFI, evictions and demolition?
• RECENTLY Councillors Chris Naylor and James King wrote to residents on Maiden Lane estate announcing that £413million had been earmarked for the refurbishment of Camden’s housing stock in the next few years.
We on the estate are glad to hear it.
But it raises an obvious question: why were the long-suffering residents of this estate told there was so little money for our estate that we, alone of all Camden’s estates, should be asked to submit first to a Private Finance Initiative, and then when that failed, to a wide-scale demolition of the estate involving the compulsory eviction of up to 215 decent families?
Take a look at what the Maiden Lane estate website says about all this: www.maidenlane estate.org
From this website you can follow links to revealing websites other people in Camden have set up.
We are not responsible for the content of these other sites but you might like to see them nevertheless.
Dr Peter Preston
Save All Our Homes
Maiden Lane Estate, NW1 |