Alterations to plan
• THE highly trumpeted Kentish Town “newly refurbished canopies” in a Liberal Democrat newsletter that I have just received, covers over what the reality actually is.
The canopies have been beautifully restored and are shining and bright.
The ground below has been repaved and a new wall (uncompleted and surrounded by litter, protective plastic barriers and so on is unfortunate).
The uplights which used to look so attractive are covered by Tarmac!
The original idea when this area was finished (which should have been July 29), as from the artist’s plan, architectural drawings, and understood by local residents at the area forums, was that the refurbishment of the canopies and of Kentish Town Road generally should preserve the visual integrity of the newly created space.
This is with small stalls, for example, the coffee stall outside Kentish Town Tube, already there, flowers, benches and potentially a farmers’ market at weekends.
Now we find that there is an unsightly large mobile unit selling waffles dominating the space. What is going on? This is entirely at odds with the spirit of the original proposal.
Hilary Paterson, NW5 |