Do bus drivers win a bonus if they overfill their vehicles?
• THE No 24 bus is a nightmare.
I recently went to a meeting at Central Hall, Westminster, and the only way I could get a 24 was by walking all the way to Trafalgar Square, where I managed to board what must have been the only bus on the route.
By the time we got half-way along Charing Cross Road, the bus was already nearly full up.
Then a group of about 16 (well-behaved) schoolchildren got on with their teachers; then at the next stop another group of children got on and a good few people with them.
At Hampstead Road, there were 28 people waiting, plus a baby in a pram.
By now the bus was crammed full, you couldn’t get any more people on. There were no windows open and mobile phones were going off here, there and everywhere.
What the hell is all this about? Do drivers get a bonus if they overfill the bus?
By Mornington Crescent the bus just went straight past the waiting queue.
Just think of how much monthly ticket-holders are paying for such a service. It’s outrageous!
The 24 used to be a good service at one time. Then it was taken over by a private company. And who benefits? The bus company bosses who make millions out of our need to use public transport.
Sadly the government and the councils don’t seem to care, as long as the bus companies keep cashing in.
Ellen Luby
Parkhill Road, NW3 |