Plug gaps in the UK economy
• AS eloquently pointed out in your Comment about the global financial crisis, nothing will change without proper and sufficient regulations in place to protect our hard-earned cash.
There are still questions to be answered, such as where is the “bail-out” money coming from and more importantly, where is it going? Shouldn’t we have a say in this?
Gordon Brown and the leaders of other countries should be looking to protect their electorates from greedy global monopolies.
If they get politicians on their side we can kiss goodbye to democracy or what is left of it. We have already been forced into selling off parts of our health services to America; France and Spain have our utilities. The list is endless.
Now is the time to reinvest in British people, consolidate what few assets we have left and plug the gaps in our own leaking economy which requires easing our way out of the over-globalised economy. Our money should be used first and foremost to end poverty and homelessness here in Britain. Britain’s needs and interests must come first. Our politicians are employed and elected by us. There’s about a decade of work to be done here just to house us all. Let him start with that. The global community can and should take care of itself.
S Womack
Bridgeway Street, NW1 |