Agreement needed to open gym
• ACCORDING to the Queen’s Crescent Community Centre, it is closing the Maitland Park Gym because Camden Council refuses to agree the sharing of management and health and safety responsibilities.
The council must resolve the issues immediately in order to reopen this essential public service.
Community access to sports facilities address two leading government concerns: health and crime in society.
Access to inexpensive gyms gives children a place to go to learn sports and healthy lifestyle habits.
They give adolescents a healthy and productive alternative to hanging about street corners or illegal activities.
They permit adults to keep active and fit.
How many other council expenditures benefit all of society by: 1) providing leisure activities; 2) promoting health; and 3) reducing crime?
While the council dithers and delays in taking up its responsibilities, the Maitland Park Gym is shut and the community will be deprived of its benefits every day until it acts to do the right thing for the community.
Geoffrey Craig
Leighton Road, NW5 |