First catch your squirrel!
• I COMMEND the space you have given to the grey squirrel question, highlighting the adverse effect they have not only on our native reds but on our songbird population.
Let me give some further evidence from West Hampstead.
When I first took up residence here nearly 40 years ago, every morning there was a wonderful dawn chorus from the songbirds in the trees and back gardens.
After several years, this began to diminish, and I noticed at the same time a large influx of grey squirrels.
Apart from the notes in summer of blackbirds – which defend their nests, particularly against that other devourer of eggs and nestlings, the magpie, now very much established in urban areas – all is now silence.
Interestingly, grey squirrel sightings have greatly decreased, presumably, having wiped out most of the bird population, apart from the few blackbirds, they consequently have sought their prey elsewhere.
In last week’s issue a correspondent objected to the letters (there have been also articles, thank you Mr Editor) which put the case against the Grey, saying that “We are all God’s creatures” and asking for “proof of the allegations that squirrels are responsible for the loss of native birds”.
That is available in plenty, see for instance the three-year study commissioned by the British Trust for Ornithology published in November 2006.
Finally, again a tribute to Clare Latimer, for the courage shown by running her piece on cooking grey squirrels (Tails of the unexpected, November 6).
They, being alien invaders from north America, are not a protected native species.
Clare remarks on how difficult it is to get one from the butchers.
For those interested, squirrel traps are available, so it is possible to catch your own.
I look forward to Clare declaring her interest in purchasing Camden-caught greys, providing they meet her exacting standards.
In bad taste
• I AM shocked by your paper printing squirrel recipes what are you trying to do?
Do you have an aim?
Are you campaigning for people to go around and hunt down and kill squirrels in London?
What for?
I used to respect your paper. But I can’t see what is your main goal in putting these recipes in the paper.
After all the red squirrels are not going to come back to London if people kill the grey squirrels.
Anna Rosen
Address supplied
So it’s war!
• WE were totally outraged to read about the grey squirrels that have taken over and are destroying our surroundings, and how everyone tends to support Lord Redesdale for getting rid of these beautiful creatures (Peer takes up the gun to wipe out “pesky grey’, October 23).
It’s funny, isn’t it? We are all trying to encourage our children that guns are not acceptable but all of a sudden it’s OK to shoot and kill.
We have all brought up our children to care and love all animals – well you as grown ups should be ashamed. We will continue to encourage the grey squirrels so it looks like you have a war on your hands you cruel people.
Put down your guns and act responsibly.
Sandra and Denise
Clarence Way Estate, NW1 |