Grabbing our money
• THE recent 267 per cent increase in builders’ parking permits is staggering.
It is hard to conceive of any other sector being able to impose such hikes upon its clientele without either being taken to an independent arbitrator or have business go elsewhere.
Sadly, with the council, neither is possible or likely. They hold a monopoly and are happy to use “bringing in line with the most expensive council in London” as a justification.
The council should state, for the record, the actual administration cost of issuing these permits. Any surplus beyond that is purely money-grabbing.
Naturally, this excessive charge will not affect the wealthier residents of Camden, who are likely to have their own drives and therefore will need to pay nothing.
So it becomes a tax on those living in residences with only street parking available. The charge will be made to those who now own ex-council properties which are increasingly requiring work to be done as the original build quality was not the best.
In his letter (Look at all these fees and charges, November 13), Councillor Theo Blackwell clearly laid out various areas where the new administration has imposed large increases in fees.
Of course, this provides the opposition with an excellent platform on which to campaign during the next election. Simply include the reversal of these “taxes” as part of their campaign.
It would remain to be seen if the builders would then pass on this reduction to their clients as quickly as they will pass on the current increase.
Camden should act now to reverse this, and other, excessive fee increases that are become an increasing stealth tax on residents.
Peter Watts
Clarence Gardens, NW1