Shameful hit on the old
• WHATEVER has happened to “Caring Camden”?
Now it’s “Shame on you, Camden”.
I was appalled to learn of the £lmillion saving that Camden Council has made out of cutbacks to the elderly and vulnerable under its care, the very people whose lives are already pretty unenviable (Elderly residents ‘fobbed off’ as council racks up £1m saving, December 11). And now their lives are being made yet more wretched – for what purpose?
I recently attended a meeting at the Charlie Ratchford Centre where the subject was briefly discussed.
It was very upsetting to hear the stories related by various people just how their daily lives had been affected by the miserly cutbacks.
One person stays vividly in my mind, a deaf and blind man of tremendous spirit who related how his life had been made so miserable and lonely because the cutbacks meant he could no longer get to spend time with his old friends.
Such a simple and basic human need is now beyond his means. Cutbacks mean the total loss of a decent quality of life for people who deserve so much better.
Camden – now that Christmas is over, please stop being such an old Scrooge.
Diane Monk
Stratford Villas, NW1