Horrors facing our friends in Gaza
• WE have been getting many anguished messages from the people of Abu Dis, Palestine, about the things that have been happening in their town.
In the past few days, several young people have been shot in the street in Abu Dis, and the lives of two of them – Mohammed Hassan Eriqat, aged 16, and Hamam Mohammed Mohsen, aged 17 – are hanging in the balance.
Hamam was shot from very close distance when on a peaceful demonstration against the current Israeli atrocities in Gaza.
There is more information on www.camdenabudis.net
We know the many friends of Abu Dis in Camden, and of course many other other decent people, are upset and outraged at the huge aggression, death and injury.
In Gaza, as well as 350 dead, there are more than 1,000 injured and very few medical supplies to treat them owing to the ongoing Israeli siege of that area.
Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association call on people to support the demonstrations to end this violence.
On Saturday January 3 at 2pm there will be a demonstration in Parliament Square. Please keep in touch with us for local activities about the Abu Dis boys.
Nandita Dowson
Chair, Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association
PO Box 34265