Young man saved me from bag-snatcher on No 29 bus
• WITH reference to your buses story (Police: No 29 drives us round the bend, January 22), once I was returning from work at Wood Green, going to Camden.
Near Manor House station, I realised I had left my phone at work.
So I got off by the station and crossed to other side to get a bus.
An overcrowded No 29 arrived and I managed to get in the last compartment.
While some other passengers were still trying to board, suddenly a gang of guys ran up and stood outside the last compartment.
One tried to snatch my handbag. Before I realised this, a very young man who stood in front of me pushed the thief and told me loudly: “M’am, hold your bag tight in the front. He was nearly taking it. Another gentleman from behind said, “you are lucky today. It often happens here, be careful”.
I was so tired and exhausted, having worked extra hours, then going back to the place again to pick up my phone. I felt very nervous and scared.
I would have fainted that evening if my bag had gone missing. I was shaking with fear.
When I got a bit settled, I thanked him with my whole heart as I saw him pushing the guy out of the bus, before I realised anything.
The young man was pushing me a bit inside with my bag and the door got shut afterwards.
He then said: “It’s all right, but be careful when you travel on this bus, at this time of the evening. “The thief did not want to board in the bus, but to snatch people’s property. These gangs target a crowded bus when everyone rushes to get in.”
Lots of people in that compartment heard about it and praised the young man. They were telling each other some similar stories.
Though I had never experienced such an incident here in London my brother once boarded a 29 from Trafalgar Square after 9pm. Some guys were throwing bottles and cans at each other and trying to annoy him.
Luckily, when he reached his destination, nothing happened to him as he sat quiet and did not complain.
It would be good if something could be done to protect the passengers boarding the 29 bus.
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