Ask people on estates
• TENANTS and leaseholders have reported disasters with capital works on estates because Camden Council won’t talk to tenants’ and residents’ associations.
• Mayford estate: has “gone through hell, and it’s not finished” – a ramp for the disabled demolished and now being put back at cost of £28,000; • Amptill Square: £100,000s wasted on work which is now being decommissioned; • Kennistoun and Willingham: contractors want to upgrade heating systems “wasting £160,000 on 2005 work”; • Sidings: contractors will reinstall boilers upgraded last year; • Curnock Street: contractors are replacing heating parts but leasehold services aren’t aware so they sent out bills for maintenance.
This is the tip of the iceberg. Contractors are sending out individual notices without any notice or consultation , ignoring the tenants’ associations and reps who know the estates.
Reps have demanded real consultation, through associations and District Management Committees (DMCs).
We are now serving notice. By the March round of DMCs we want a new report guaranteeing consultation, through tenants’ associations and DMCs, on which estates are priority, what the quality of work will be, what tenants need on individual estates, and how work will be monitored.
These are our homes, this is our money. We will not allow Camden to continue this disgraceful behaviour.
Meric Apak
Chair Camden
Federation of TRAs |