Poet’s prosaic plea for a host of golden daffodils
• CAMDEN Council’s response to our protest about the flowers destroyed in St Martin’s Gardens is disingenuous (Dumping flowers is blooming ridiculous, April 2).
They say they regularly over-order plants to provide for breakages etc.
But here we were talking about whole yardfuls of flowers, tray after tray, only 5 per cent of which at most were ever planted.
The rest were left to die and chucked away. Repeatedly.
They say that they uprooted the primulas we planted in the park because we had planted them on top of emerging plants. That is not true.
We planted them on bare patches and did not interfere with any plants already in the beds. Anyone can come and see the large bare areas in the flowerbeds along Camden Street and Carol Street.
As for the landscaping of the gardens, the big central round bed has one single daffodil plant in it. No chance here for anyone to enjoy “a host of golden daffodils”.
Here it is not the poet who “wanders lonely as a cloud” but the poor solitary daff!
Please, Camden, will you plant more flowers in our gardens?
Dinah Livingstone
St Martin’s Close, NW1