Stop this sham consultation process
• WHAT is this sham of licensing and planning laws?
I live a few doors away from the Tesco development in West Hampstead, and only found out that a 6am to 11pm alcohol sales licence had been applied for and granted when I read about it in the New Journal (6am alcohol sales at Tesco, April 2).
My concerns with the development were known to Camden. I received no notification by post of the licensing application or the council hearing. I saw no public notices on or near the site, and I was on the lookout for them as were many of us living nearby.
Apparently the hearing itself was a farce, as the three objectors who made it through the web of secrecy were deemed to be living too far away from the site, which had been erroneously listed as being on the corner of Sheriff Road, some 500 yards away from the real site.
One of the objectors actually lives right above the new store.
Councillor Nancy Jirira is said to have tried her best support the objections by pointing out the impropriety of the procedures but the licence was given by the casting vote of the chairman.
This is West Hampstead, 2009. Come on Camden. Sort this out now by appealing against the decision and considering the needs of the residents who elected you.
Big business should not be allowed to bulldoze its way through our concerns.
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