Dogs and drugs are out of control on our estates
• THE worsening problem of council tenants’ dogs as well as the much reported drug-dealing by tenants is not being tackled by the police or the council’s housing department (We need to get tough with the dealers and their dogs, April 9)
When will the council get round to banning dogs on its estates?
Like your letter-writers last week, we too have no possibility of using our communal garden or the local small parks, such as Oakley Square, because of vicious-looking dogs running free and out of control.
I agree, too, with the view expressed that keeping one dog in a small flat – never mind the permitted two dogs – is cruel to the dog.
The neighbourhood police team names and numbers should be displayed on our noticeboards and advertised in your paper.
It is an indication of how bad the intimidation is in that the letter-writers do not want their name and addresses published.
Name and address supplied
• REGARDING the letters about dogs on council estates I blame Camden Council
I live in Waxham, Gospel Oak, where we have many dogs in one-bedroom flats on the fifth floor. There are six dogs and they are large dogs. One tenant has two dogs in a one-bedroom flat.
I do not think this is right. I think the council must change the policy and only dogs for the blind and hearing dogs should be allowed.
Name and address supplied