Pinning the blame…
• IT is clear that the Camden drugs team are trying to find someone else to blame for the siting of the planned drug treatment centre (Drug clinic location will remain a secret, April 9).
Rather than consult on the site directly they would prefer to leave the choice to a third party and then the blame can be pinned on the development control committee who will be asked to approve the planning application which will be needed.
Camden community safety and drugs team leader Mark Morton is reported as saying that drug users don’t want the service in King’s Cross because they would be close to dealers.
I would argue that experience shows that the dealers are in King’s Cross because there are plenty of users.
Wherever the centre is located will be a magnet for the dealers and this is the reason that residents all over the south of the borough are rightly concerned about the choice which is going to be made.
Mercer Street, WC2