Why do cyclists think they must flout the law?
• CAN someone please let me know why many cyclists feel it necessary to flout the law.
Yet again I was almost knocked over while walking along the pavement by a cyclist who was oblivious to us pedestrians.
I am incensed that more isn’t done to stop this.
If cyclists feel its too dangerous on the roads, then they shouldn’t be there in the first place.
I had a bicycle and happily used it, but not once did I consider it my right to cycle on pavements.
At busy or dangerous junctions I simply got off and wheeled it around.
The same is also true of riding over red lights: it’s simply too dangerous and anyone doing it is putting not just their lives at risk but pedestrians and motorists too.
Cycle paths have been installed where we are, but they are often ignored.
Isn’t it time there was legislation against pavement cycling and more fines for people who do it.
I don’t like being yelled at to get out of the way, or indeed sworn at for remonstrating that pavements are for pedestrians.
I note that both Boris Johnson and David Cameron are cyclists and both were caught flouting the law while cycling, which says it all.
E Fry
Tavistock Place, WC1